Echoes of Inspiration
The idea came to him from his natural love of ancient Greek mythology, his passion for decentralized digital technology, and his burning desire to create great art
The idea came to him from his natural love of ancient Greek mythology, his passion for decentralized digital technology, and his burning desire to create great art
His belief is in creating art to which multiple forms of value can be ascribed. He pours most of his earnings back into his atelier to expand his oeuvre; as such, like the artisans of old, the artist now works with a crew who support his creations and Mini Gods business in various ways.
The Mini-Gods NFT project is conceived as a metaphor for individuals reclaiming power from centralised technological and financial structures and building a new world of their own, of which web3, blockchain and crypto-participation in great art are central tools and components deployed to empower individuals. The real-world intentions of the Mini-Gods project thus plays out within the mythology of the NFT collection